June 10, 2020
Congratulations Carolyn Brodginski on your release of the song
version of BIRDS CAN FLY, WHY CAN’T I?
An autographed version of Birds Can Fly, Why Can’t I? with a free song download, is now available at our BOOKSTORE, or at upcoming Seat Of Our Pants concerts. Song only download is available as well. Go to:
for more information.

May 6, 2020
BIG NEWS!! Saratoga Springs Publishing is proud to announce that T’was The Night Before ChristMOOSE was awarded a National Bronze Medal in the 2020 Independent Publisher Book Awards (IPPY) for Best Holiday Book across all genres.

Big News!
T’was The Night Before ChristMOOSE
was awarded a National Bronze Medal in the 2020 Independent Publisher Book Awards (IPPY) for Best Holiday Book across all genres.